Jun 19, 2013 | Birthography, Families, Little Ones, Newborn, Photography
A close friend asked me to take her birth photos to document one of the most special days of her and her husband’s lives…the birth of their first son. A scheduled c-section ended up causing a little more excitement than originally planned, but thanks to...
Jun 9, 2013 | Families, Kids, Photography, Toddlers
This photo shoot was to celebrate Ben’s 5th birthday but I can’t resist posting the spontaneous moments I captured with his little...
Jun 6, 2013 | Families, Little Ones, Newborn, Photography
I had so much fun photographing this sweet little man. Dad wanted a photo of his son with his Coe College football jersey, but not only was I able to get that, but we did one better and posed him in his football helmet. Not to worry, little Brayden was never in...
May 30, 2013 | Families, Kids, Photography, Toddlers
This was my first cake smash session and one of my favorite sessions so far. I hope to do a lot more in the future. Happy Birthday Drew! You are such an adorable little...
May 29, 2013 | Families, Maternity, Photography
I love this session and this family. Such a sweet big sister!! I can’t wait to meet their little man very soon!!...
May 29, 2013 | Kids, Little Ones, Photography, Toddlers
I am still trying to get caught up on the blog. Here is a few from a mini session of my sweet nephew from weeks ago. ...